Real estate gossip can be golden. This isn’t a reference to catty back-biting that might center on flings, blings or lifts. Rather, it is the very specific, professional and constructive whispering that goes on between real estate agents who trust one another.
It is information savvy buyers crave. And this phenomena is not peculiar to the San Diego real estate market. This unpublished information shared between professionals is often the catalyst that creates a successful real estate transaction.
Many desirable properties are sold before they ever hit the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), as a result of pocket listing data being shared between agents. Sometimes there are unpublished reductions, seller motivations, or other personal urgencies that require a fast sale and such news can travel quickly through a connected professional grapevine.
This precious information cannot be found in the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), on agent websites, in classified sections of the newspaper or from the disconnected and desk-bound real estate vendor. But it is information so valuable that it could save a real estate client far more than any real estate commission. This is a case where gossip can be golden. In fact, we are now considering the use of Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) in our real estate practice.
This unpublished information might be viewed as proprietary, and certain sellers wish to protect their privacy as much as possible. If buyers wish to be privy to such information, there should be no problem in abiding by the agreement which will also likely include Buyer-Broker provisions. We have suggested this idea to several San Diego real estate clients, and they welcome the concept. It would help protect the requested privacy of sellers–and would provide buyers what they crave most: Information that cannot acquire on their own,
For more juicy real estate gossip, see: San Diego Luxury Homes…and More
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