Comes close to describing some of the attendeesand I sure like the sound of it! Yesterday a large group of real estate bloggers met at the Internet Relevance presentation in Long Beach, CA to hear Dustin Luther (left), founder of Rain City Guide, speak about the intricacies and benefits of real estate blogging. And speak he did, at about the speed of a machine gun going full blast! There are times I wish I had studied shorthand or court reporting; hence, my notes are spotty in a number of places. Attending this presentation were the esteemed Rudolph Bachraty (pictured with perched glasses) of New York-based Sellsius Real Estate; Brian Brady, Americas Most Opinionated Mortgage Broker; a couple of Active Rains lovely co-founders, Jon and Sara Washburn; the personable Loren Nason of The Future of Real Estate Technology; Jeff Dowler, a blogging Encinitas, CA Realtor, and Jeff Turner with Real Estate Shows. There were other bloggers I would have loved to meet, but we were forced to leave early for a San Diego Realtors lockbox exchange at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Dustin shared lots of links and lots of stories. A few favorites? (a travel site with very cool features; I am bookmarking!) Google Reader (feed reader check it out!) Judys Book (a great place to read and write reviews!)
In the rush to leave San Diego at dawn, I left the camera behind. These photos were stealthily lifted from Sellsius Real Estate Blog.
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It was so much fun to see everyone! I’m so glad you could make it!
Thanks so much for a DYNAMITE presentation, Dustin. (Please tell Top Producer their property search function needs help and should be more search-specific for clients. I have already suggested this; you will surely have more pull!)
Thanks for the mention. It was cool to meet you and Scott.
Hi Roberta,
It was nice to meet you at the conference.
It was neet to meet everyone there. It was an ego boost to me to meet people that knew who I was.
Loren: Great to finally meet you as well! I am impressed with the real estate blogging community and hope we can meet more often.