Several years ago I graduated from Feng Shui training as a certified practitioner. My own home and those of understanding friends and real estate clients became laboratories for element and furnishing rearrangements.
Entire bookshelves in my home accumulated the Feng Shui works of Lillian Too, Kartar Diamond, Karen Kingston, Jon Robertson, Suzan Hilton and other wise teachers.
Because there is so much to share, this will probably be an ongoing and periodic topic of discussion. Where to start with Feng Shui and this article?
Probably with a clean slate!
The most important thing one can do to enhance the chi or energy in a home is to clear the space and declutter. Why? You might be surprised with the results!
The TOP NINE reasons for Feng Shui space clearing are:
1. Save time. How much time is lost looking for items lost in clutter? How much time is lost in cleaning and shaking dust from from stuff? How much time is lost to disorganization?
2. Feel better about yourself. Clear the clutter and youll automatically feel better about yourself and no longer feel ashamed when unexpected visitors stop by.
3. Have more energy. Clutter and junk can exhaust you. The stagnant energy that accumulates around disarray can also drain human energy by holding one to the past and blocking new abundance.
4. Lose weight. Can clutter affect your weight? Guru Karen Kingston thinks so. She believes that both body fat and clutter are forms of self-protection. Many of her clients miraculously lose weight when they let go of their junk. Interesting!
5. Improve your health. Kingston claims that cluttery types may suffer from various forms of congestion including dull complections and eyes as well as constipation.
6. Grow your wealth. How can new abundance come into your life, when there is no room for it? Have you ever noticed how quickly an empty closet fills? Clear the junk and make room for new abundance. I have seen this work in my own life.
7. Clear your brain and unfog your thinking. Clutter confuses and dirt distracts. There is nothing like a clean room and clear brain to foster good choices and decisions.
8. Attract admirers. Like attracts like. I have seen cleared and cleaned homes bring higher purchase offers because the buyers amired not only the home, but respected the seller as well. I have also seen cluttered and messy homes attract the vultures.
9. Have a more adventurous life! Travel lightly. Clutter-bearers pack heavy suitcases and weigh down trucks when they move. As a result, they probably travel less and move less often. It is a form of entrapment and often forces people to purchase or remain in larger homes that will accommodate their stuff and clutter.
If you would be interested in other Feng Shui tips and how it can help you sell a home, call Roberta Murphy at 760-402-9101 or 760-942-9100. Alternatively, you may email
Excellent summary of the reasons why Feng Shui is so effective in changing people’s lives, Roberta, thank you!
As a professional organizer, I am always working with people and their “stuff”, both physical and energetic and it amazes me how in just a few hours, their whole world can change.
You may be interested in taking a look at my blog: http://www.its-not-about-your-stuff, where I have all kinds of tips and resources for letting go and clearing space.
Nice to find a kindred spirit on the web!
Jessica Duquette
You are in a heroic profession and I have no doubt you help others create great and positive change in their lives. In fact, an organization specialist should be the first recommendation a life coach offersd his or her clients.
I have bookmarked your blog and am now considering adding a separate blogroll for life coaching sites such as yours.
Uh oh! Have I just created another organizational task!?!
Kindred spirits, indeed….
Good wishes,
I took a course in Feng Shui here in Portugal BUT the Pa kua (Bagua) is different to
yours. Therefore i am really confused.
I was taught that:
SOUTH – fame /sucess/recognition –
South west – health
WEST -Pleasure
North west – friends
NORTH – Relashionships/marriage
North Este – Children
ESTE – Education/knowledge
South East – Wealth and prosperity
Therefore – fame, welth and friends are exactly the same BUT the rest is different
Could it be that in China the Pa Kua is applied differently to here in Portugal?
Thanks in advance
Fatima Matias
As a professional organizer, I love to implement Feng Shui into peoples homes as it helps them to remain organized.
Check out for Home Organizing Tips!