Just yesterday afternoon Real Estate Rainmaker Lani Anglin wrote on this blog, and spoke of her grandmother who had sold her home and earthly possessions so she could go help the less fortunate in an African orphanage. This was in response to our underwear plea for children in a Kenya orphanage.
Not long after that blog response, April Groves at R.E. Revealed says Lani received word that her younger brother had been killed in a car crash on his way over to visit her. In the car were his wife and their two babies.
Lani’s younger brother, 24 year-old Aaron Anglin is survived by his wife Aleisha Anglin, 25 and their two babies, Eleanor, 1 and McKenzie, just 6 weeks who is still reported to be in ICU at this writing.
Lani relayed this message via R.E.Revealed earlier today:
“To me, the important thing to know is that the crazy kid in the funny video is my newly 24 year old little brother Aaron who died yesterday on impact. He was driving to my house (to make another silly video) and was driving with his wife (Aleisha Anglin, 25) and their two babies (Eleanor who turns 1 THIS week and McKenzie who is only 6 weeks old). Aleisha & Eleanor should be released today and McKenzie is in the ICU in improving condition. We have tons of family surrounding us and St. Thomas More parish is providing food this week for our entire family! Aaron was awesome and his marketing work can be found at http://benaaronanglin.carbonmade.com. He was confirmed in the Catholic faith last week, laughed his butt off at ICanHasCheezburger.com with me this week. We were born 18 months apart (Irish twins) and grew up as best friends with so many lame stories.”
Lani, writing to April, further explains:
My brother and his wife are not rich by any stretch of the imagination and Aleisha has a very hard time ahead- if you or anyone else can think of any way to aim finances at her, she really needs it. Assisting in an optometry office is a great profession but pays very little- certainly not enough to cover a funeral, medical bills for three people and a life ahead as a single mother.
The green icon is a link that will help guide you to assistance for this young mother who very unexpectedly became a widow yesterday afternoon,
The story was additionally reported by Greg Swann at The Bloodhound Blog, and was followed up by Brian Brady on Active Rain. Once again, donations are being sought to help tide over a young mother and her two fatherless babies.
Again, please follow your heart.
Nice work, Roberta. Thanks for getting the word out.
It is the least we can do. I hurt just thinking about this family’s pain.
Thank you so much for helping get the word out. Your kindness is so touching. My grandmother told me that CHILDREN in her orphanage were praying for us- for US! Can you believe that? They have nothing yet are concerned for our feelings. God works in mysterious ways. Thanks again, Roberta.
I stand in awe of you and your remarkable family.
My prayers are with you also.