Most of our readers know that I tend to recommend wines under $20 per bottle, but the Grant Street Vineyard 2005 Zinfandel justifiably pushes the pricing envelope at $25 for a surprising and beautiful wine.
I received this Zin yesterday via UPS (yes you can order it online), opened it at 5 to breathe and took my first sip at 6. I immediately considered it a really nice Zin, not too heavy and one that can be used with many a meal.
To my surprise the longer this Grant Street Zinfandel sat in my glass (not the bottle), the better this gorgeous Zin opened up.

Wine Tasting Tip:
Always begin with a clean clear glass and pour less than an inch into your glass. Always begin with the lightest wines first (white, sparkling, rose’ etc) and then work your way up to the heavy ones (Zins, Cabs, etc). The reason for this is that it helps keep taste buds sensitive so you can enjoy and appreciate each wine you taste. Nibble on a cracker, snack on some cheese–or simply have a sip of water between tastes in order to help preserve your palate.