Most of us appreciate the earthy luxury of a true wine cellar and also see the value of repurposed materials emerging as elements in our homes. But how about a slice from the best of both worlds and have rich wood flooring crafted from old California wine barrels?
I’ve seen serving trays and other novelties emerge from wine barrel tops, but hardwood flooring from the actual wine barrel offers some beautiful possibilities. Fontenay Woods is likely the original source of reclaimed barrel flooring, and handcrafts each plank for custom installation.
Their Vintage Barrel Collection includes three wine barrel sources:
- The Cooperage comes from the outside of the barrel head and displays deep patina, cooper’s stamps and special markings.
- The Wine Infusion represents the inside of the barrel and retains rich infused coloring from aging red wine.
- The Stave displays the outer sides of the barrel where the hoops have been removed–and provides further pattern interest.
Their goal, says Fontenay, is to provide an elegant product that “is guaranteed for life.”
Now, how to recycle all the wine bottles–with least processing possible?