Sometimes we stumble across unexpected treasures, including articles written a couple of years ago.
This one is too rich not to share again: A Free MIT Education.
Thanks to a web-based electronic publishing initiative, this incredible opportunity from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is being generously funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and MIT with support of the Ab Initio software firm.
It is an opportunity of a lifetime for self-learners and those gifted with spare time and curiosity. There are now over 2000 courses available, ranging from engineering (of course) to foreign languages, philosophy, history, urban and women studies and special offerings from the Sloan School of Management.
How does the system work?
It is a publication of MIT course materials that do not require any registration, attendance or homework. You are on your own and work at your own pace. No degrees or certifications are granted, nor is there access to the MIT faculty.
The cost? Free.
The benefit? Priceless.
See you in class?
That is very generous of MIT. I am sure there will be lots of people around the world who take advantage of this. That is the beauty of online courses.