Years ago, Chef Madelyn in Big Bear Lake offered a $99 peanut butter and jelly sandwich picnic–paired with a bottle of Dom Perignon. It was a relative bargain, considering cost of the wine. It also caused more than a few chuckles among pilots who flew in and out of the little Big Bear Airport, where her restaurant was located.
In London, though, BBC TV chef Martin Blunos has crafted a truffle-infused cheese sandwich on bread that is literally sprinkled with gold dust and carries an expensive price tag that will likely break a Guinness record of some sort–and for a time is touted as the most expensive sandwich in the world.
According to the Daily Mail, who initially reported the story, the concoction is spiked with 100-year-old balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil and layered with slices of quail egg, black heirloom tomatoes, epicure apple and fresh figs. Salad crunchies consisted of mustard red frills, pea shoots and red amaranth.
It’s the special white truffle blended cheese (crafted by premier cheese-makers Pilgrim’s Choice) that gives the sandwich both its unique flavor and hefty price tag.
I think the peanut butter with the bottle of Dom might be a better purchase….but I have a weakness for Dom.
Marc: Am thinking a splurge and pairing of the Dom and Cheese sandwich might be memorable!
This sandwich must really taste good but I don’t think I can afford to get a sandwich worth $170.00 for now. 🙂
The crazy thing about this is that there are plenty of people out there prepared to pay this crazy amount for a sandwich!