Let me start of by saying I am no Jodi Arias fan and I would be happy to never hear her name again as long as I live. Or see her face.
So here’s my two cent solution for the judge in this case:
Give Jodi the “lesser” punishment. Jodi Arias should be sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole (perhaps under supervision of Sheriff Arpaio) and with NO visitors for 7 years and no media contact–starting immediately. And should a reporter approach her for a story, he or she might be held in contempt of court.
To give Jodi the death penalty would only guarantee that we will be forced to look at her face and hear her name for years to come as she appeals her way through the system–at taxpayer expense.
And that is just what she wants.
If you’ve ever visited the Yuma Territorial Prison, you know that Arizona has a rich history of dealing with criminals and terrorists (like Jeronimo). But advice to the judge is right on. That would be justice. And Sheriff Joe would do a good, fair job of keeping an eye on her. I was sure disappointed when San Diego’s dark side showed when the City Council voted to boycott Arizona. But Arizonans are tough and know how to deal with that sort of thing (with the notable exception of Senator McCain who can’t remember what real torture was like). Please say “hello” to mike for me.
Robert Morrissey, I and many others felt dark shame when San Diego’s City Council voted to boycott Arizona. Mike returns the hello and asks you to give him a call at 760-402-9102. His email: mike@sandiegopreviews.com