Boating is an excellent summer activity that can involve family, friends, and even pets! Of course, this activity doesn’t come without the risk of accidents, but there are ways to stay safe while you’re out enjoying a day on the boat. The following are some boat safety tips to ensure everyone has a good time on the water.
Check the Boat Over Before Leaving
Make sure you have a full gasoline tank so you don’t get stranded on the water. Check the electronic gear and all other fluid levels. Discuss a safety plan in case anything goes awry. Ensure you have enough life jackets for everyone on board and other safety equipment, such as:
- First aid kit
- Extra batteries
- Flashlight
- Fire extinguisher
- Flares
- Air horn
Know and understand the boating laws if you’re in a new area. When it’s time to leave, be sure you hitch the boat correctly and haul it safely.
Know How To Help Someone Falling Overboard
You never want your boat to capsize or someone to fall overboard. Unfortunately, these things happen, and you need to know how to handle the situation. The best thing you can do is remain calm. The person in the water should stay put and float with their life jacket. Have them float on their back to reserve energy. Once you’ve found them, pull them to safety.
Never Drink and Drive Your Boat
In the same way you should never drink and drive your car, don’t drink and drive your boat. Boating feels more casual, and sipping an alcoholic beverage while operating your boat is easy. However, you’re risking the lives of the people in the boat and others enjoying a day on the water.
Not to mention, it’s illegal in all 50 states. Don’t give in to peer pressure, and stay alcohol-free while operating a boat.
Be Aware of Others on the Water
Unless you’re on a private lake, you will share the water with other boaters, jet skiers, swimmers, anglers, and paddle boarders. Pay attention to signs regarding rules and regulations established by local authorities. Ensure you’re observing these directions for the safety of everyone on the water. Keep a safe distance from the shore and other boaters to avoid crashes.
Boating is a fantastic summertime activity enjoyed by many. Follow our boat safety tips to ensure a great time for all. Happy summer!