The Luxury of Destsruction

luxury of destruction
January 5, 2025

I have been thinking about the luxury of destruction and what it would be like to stomp on, flush down the toilet, or simply throw into the kitchen trash an $11,000 Omega watch or perhaps a woman’s $30,000 gem-studded jewelry set? You ask how such destruction might happen? We are not talking about drug deals gone bad or stolen merchandise being hidden. We are talking about lavish gifts given to…


Cancel Culture: Just Shut Up

Cancel Culture
March 3, 2021

by Roberta Murphy Thompson I was enormously upset with the November election. It wasn’t who won or lost; rather, fury at what appeared to be a corrupted election process. In retrospect, the Cancel Culture crowd appeared to be hard at work manipulating votes and cancelling the votes of many. Within a few days (or weeks), emotions calmed down and I then struggled with the need to act rather than complain…


Liminal Space: Floating Between Past and Future Tense

Liminal Stage Chrysalis
September 22, 2019

Liminal space–that place in life where you are between what was and what’s next. That strange place resting between where you’ve been and where you’re going. It feels strange, scary and exciting all at once. Becoming a widow can put one into that exact position. So might a job or marital change. It’s not unlike a rite of passage. I was widowed New Year’s Day, 2019. Mike’s death was sudden,…


Alzheimer’s: Inventing a Possibility

October 13, 2018

Years ago, our oldest son Scott and I attended a long weekend with the Landmark Education Forum. I was challenged to take up a personal issue that I was willing to share with a thousand or so people the next day. I couldn’t help but consider Alzheimer’s, the disease that had rocked our family. I went home that night and wrote a letter to my mother, Edith Michelson. It was…