Breaking All Barriers, Luxury Homes Reach NINE Figures

nine figutes for Spelling Mansion
November 30, 2006

by Roberta Murphy There is a class of homes that can only be called, for lack of a better word, the ultimate. These are the extreme and exceptional estates that are among the most expensive in the world. To call them luxury homes is an understatement. These properties have singular presence and price tags that now exceed nine figures. This year, all barriers were broken. Donald Trump’s lavish seven-acre estate…


Free Ferrari To Buyer of Encinitas, CA Home

November 30, 2006

by Roberta Murphy Buyers have gone through this golf and ocean-view Encinitas Ranch home, and jokingly asked if the the red hot Ferrari in the garage might come with the purchase. Well, as of this afternoon, it does! A free Ferrari goes to the lucky buyer. The owners of both the home and the car are ready to move and had already reduced the price of their singular property, when…


And Just What Is A Luxury Home?

Luxury Home
November 1, 2006

    by Roberta Murphy It is a tough task in relativity to define a luxury home. One’s perspective has as much to do with the definition as does the opulence, location or architectural significance of a particular property. One man’s simple home is another man’s castle, and vice versa. Perhaps it is easier to consider what a luxury home is not. It is not a cookie cutter home in…