A Montana Luxury Real Estate Coup?

Montana Yellowstone Club
February 2, 2007

Montana may come to be known as the land of Big Skies and Big Spenders. Luxury Clues Bernice Ross reports a new entry in the Billionaire Poll: Lumber and land baron Tim Blixseth. His prime Yellowstone Club 53,000 square foot home in Bozeman, Montana will be entering the high end luxury home market at a record-breaking $155 million. Being promoted fully furnished, this ten-bedroom mountain estate boasts an indoor-outdoor swimming…


Ultimate Phone for the Luxury Bath

by Roberta Murphy I used to joke about needing a cell phone implant that I could answer with the twitch of a nose. That way I wouldnt have to play hide and seek with my phone and jump out of the shower when I hear it ringing. (Its really not that bad these days. I am a recovered celloholic who only occasionally relapses). Fujitsu Genies, after three long years of…

February 2, 2007

Switchable Mirror Glass Windows

windows view of palm tree
January 30, 2007

by Roberta Murphy Though I live in palmy, balmy coastal San Diego County, my south-facing office windows at the Carlsbad Forum occasionally melt candles and ignite otherwise cool tempers. These floor-to-ceiling shaded and plant-screened windows were just tinted in a last-ditch effort to avoid black-out draperies and one very grumpy Realtor and writer. That may explain an unusual and abiding interest in windows technology. And there must be a Murphys…


Priciest Home Sale in 2006?

by Roberta Murphy Realtors and public alike are fascinated by record-setting news, and most of us are curious to know about the most expensive home sold in the last year. In San Diego County, the winner of record would be a stunning 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath Del Mar oceanfront beauty sold by Jennifer Moores to Marsha Naify for $18 million. The ultra-luxury real estate market in San Diego is a…

January 23, 2007

Gold In Real Estate Gossip

real estate gossip can be goldem
January 20, 2007

by Roberta Murphy Real estate gossip can be golden. This isn’t a reference to catty back-biting that might center on flings, blings or lifts. Rather, it is the very specific, professional and constructive whispering that goes on between real estate agents who trust one another. It is information savvy buyers crave. And this phenomena is not peculiar to the San Diego real estate market. This unpublished information shared between professionals…


FAO Schwarz Moving into Real Estate?

December 8, 2006

We shake our heads in wonder with the news that legendary Toy Store FAO Schwarz has moved into the custom homebuilding business. With prices starting at $10,000, we scratched our heads and wondered what responses might come from the likes of Toll Brothers, Hovnanian and Centex. What fun might this ultimate toy store have up its sleeve? A little more research reveals that FAO has cleverly moved into the “mini-me”…