The Mortgage Graveyard: RIP

by Roberta Murphy The inevitable has happened. Fallen mortgage companies now have their own graveyard and we can also see those headed in that direction. Want to know which mortgage lenders are dead, struggling or being acquired? The Mortgage Daily has created a new online destination: THE MORTGAGE GRAVEYARD Here we can see the fallen, the failing, and those that have been acquired all the way back to 1999 -and…

April 5, 2007

Street and Neighborhood Gossip….

Real estate gossip can actually help buyers choose best home and neighborhood.
March 29, 2007

by Roberta Murphy Well, sort of. Web 2.0 and interconnectivity has drilled down to a new level of local, with the online premier of Street Advisor this week. This fun site allows residents to rate and write about the streets on which they live. The reviewer can rate the livability of the street, the neighbors, convenience to shopping, medical care, schools and restaurants and more. But is it really gossip?…


Short Sales in the Luxury Home Market

Short Sale
March 25, 2007

by Roberta Murphy Some of the more difficult listing appointments our group encounters these days are ones that involve short sale conditions. In this situation, the seller owes more on the property than what it is worth in the current market. A year or so ago, we were having to explain how short sales worked to anguished sellers. These days, sellers call us, say they are underwater with their mortgages,…


Newspapers and Real Estate Bubble Rant

by Roberta Murphy San Diego Vacancy Rates the Highest Since ˜95 headlines the San Diego Union Tribune. Those are words that should should send shivers down the spine of San Diego real estate investors, homeowners, home sellers, and potential home buyers throughout the county. But smart home buyers and savvy real estate investors should know by now to read between the lines and below the headlines. If we take the…

March 25, 2007

Home Sellers Competing with Model Homes

home staging
March 15, 2007

by Roberta Murphy I just returned from a meeting of top real estate agents in North County San Diego. There was much discussion about what is selling and what is not. Aside from market issues (luxury home market is strong here and multiple offers are not uncommon for buffed homes in the $1.5 million and up range), the issue of home presentation and staging was at the very top of…


BluWood: No More House of Blues?

by Roberta Murphy What if there were a wood treatment that not only disgusted termites, but repelled mold and fungus as well? This dream is now a reality at least for those fortunate custom home builders and remodelers who are able to demand their choice in wood. Though it makes for colorful framing (think Smurf blue), Bluwood has captured the interest of homeowners who wish to avoid the hazards of…

March 11, 2007

MLS Listing Chains

by Roberta Murphy There has been much discussion lately regarding the nefarious practice of agents cancelling real estate listings and relisting them at the same price the same day to create more attractive market times. That practice is forbidden by most MLS systems, including the San Diego MLS (Sandicor), but I am beginning to wonder if there might be a way to put this crime to good use. What if…

March 4, 2007

The Acorn Loan

by Roberta Murphy The Acorn loan isnt exactly a financing program for luxury homes (particularly in San Diego, San Francisco and Manhattan), but how about for friends, kids and relatives who may need some help in purchasing or refinancing their homes? I have already spread the news among certain clients, nieces and nephews throughout the country, and am the new heroine of real estate. The Acorn Loan is probably one…

March 2, 2007

Variable and Value Range Pricing for Homes

Value Range Pricing
February 26, 2007

Many real estate agents, home sellers and home buyers roll their eyes and shrug their shoulders when the subject of variable or value range pricing for homes is discussed. This value range property pricing strategy has been successfully used in the San Diego real estate market since the mid-1990s. In those days, it was an innovative vehicle used to bridge the gap between sellers wanting yesterdays prices and buyers demanding…


Are Buyers Liars?

by Roberta Murphy I attended a San Diego real estate luncheon today and was handed a booklet with identical questions posed to agents along with their printed answers. The questions were solid and most of the answers made sense. But I nearly choked on a piece of broccoli when I read this statement from a well-known agent in our area: œBuyers are still and always will be liars. Dont talk…

February 20, 2007