Are Buyers Liars?

by Roberta Murphy I attended a San Diego real estate luncheon today and was handed a booklet with identical questions posed to agents along with their printed answers. The questions were solid and most of the answers made sense. But I nearly choked on a piece of broccoli when I read this statement from a well-known agent in our area: œBuyers are still and always will be liars. Dont talk…

February 20, 2007

How Could Murder….

The following article, written by Roberta Murphy, originally appeared on The Real Estate Tomato, and has been republished here for our readers enjoyment. If Wants to Murder Here’s How I Think It Should Happen. Plotted by: Roberta Murphy I don’t think has a homicidal eye on HouseValues, but perhaps it should. If wants to meet its impressive goals, it must. HouseValues with its drip system is/was…

February 9, 2007

Redfin Security Issues

I just overheard a news report that Redfin is coming to San Diego, and I am tapping my pen in wonder. I imagined one of our San Diego real estate listings and I imagined receiving a call from a stranger asking to see the property. In the natural course of conversation, I would ask if the caller was working with an agent. If the caller responded that they were working…

February 8, 2007

Real Value in Real Estate Gossip

by Roberta Murphy Gossip: It is a loaded word that alternately intrigues and informs, delights and dismays. Last weeks blog on real estate gossip, for example, raised the hackles of a few agents and the interest (and some concurrence) of others. As for me, Ive enjoyed the diversion and have paid much closer attention to the frequency with which it occurs in my own professional life as a San Diego…

January 29, 2007

The House Guest Trap

by Roberta Murphy Last summer we sold a lovely $1.8 million Carlsbad, CA home to an out of area partnership. One partner lived in Los Angeles, and the other in New York. It was to be their La Costa retreat in paradise, and a place to meet potential clients. In two short months, this paradise has turned into a real estate nightmare that could rival that 1990 Melanie Griffiths film, Pacific…

January 25, 2007