Mortgage Rate Freeze: Who Wins and Who Loses

Rate Freeze
December 8, 2007

by Roberta Murphy This months hot real estate question: Which homeowners will benefit from President Bush’s recent interest rate freeze for subprime loans? And who will be left out in the cold? It’s a question on the mind of both mortgage and real estate professionals alike. Drumroll. The winners, who may receive a five-year extension (and possibly even longer) on their low introductory mortgage rates, are those: Whose mortgage loans…


Stop Identity Theft: Freeze Your Credit

identity theft
September 19, 2007

by Roberta Murphy Become a victim of identity theft, and you could be in for the nightmare of a lifetime. We have known several identity theft victims. One family lost their home because of it–and another even fears for his safety. It is a vicious crime that can take years to  resolve and the damages can last far longer than that. And all too often, identity thieves are never caught…