Even Luxury Home Loans Can be Modified

by Roberta Murphy One Can Modify Luxury Home Loans, too? Not all clients took my conservative mortgage advice over the years, and some ended up with home loans that have turned downright nasty. In one case, a client and dear friend was persuaded to take out a Negative Amortizing Adjustable Rate Mortgage (Neg Am) along with a HELOC (Home Equity Line of Credit) a few weeks after the purchase of…

February 4, 2009

Stop Identity Theft: Freeze Your Credit

identity theft
September 19, 2007

by Roberta Murphy Become a victim of identity theft, and you could be in for the nightmare of a lifetime. We have known several identity theft victims. One family lost their home because of it–and another even fears for his safety. It is a vicious crime that can take years to  resolve and the damages can last far longer than that. And all too often, identity thieves are never caught…